“I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
Quote/Thought of the Week
“What we have in Indiana is truly unique; it’s special.” — Paul Neidig, IHSAA Commissioner Elect
Quote came from 6/4/20 Coaches Roundtable discussion.
Coaches Roundtables on Zoom
On Mondays and Thursdays at 10AM Eastern Time we are hosting “Coaches Roundtable”. Go to the HBCA Twitter and Facebook pages for the links to the Zooms.
This week’s schedule is Monday, June 8 - Ryan Osborne - Carmel HS to talk about “The Greyhound System” and Thursday 6/11 - Dusty May - Florida Atlantic.
All of the Round Tables are archived on barrreevebasketball.com and shared on the IBCA and HBCA websites.
Dr. Dish Drill of the Week
Shooting Off Screens with Coach Tony Miller
Coach Tony Miller takes you through this progression on how to work with players to become better shooters coming off screens, but it’s not just shooting that he discusses here. Coach goes through all of the “little things” that become big things in preparation.
Coaches Insider Drills and Videos
Rip and Finish Baseline Drill with Dave Richman – North Dakota State Univ.
Watch as Coach explains, and players demonstrate this rip finish baseline drill. As the defensive player applies pressure, the offensive player rips to the baseline using a maximum of two dribbles and on the last dribble, takes the ball to the outside shoulder away from the defense. Go up on two feet, finishing with shoulders square and landing on two feet.
This Week from All-Pro Dad
5 Ways to Close the Distance Between You and Your Wife
Message from Coach Thompson
Jon Gordon’s “The Garden”
This past week I was able to get a first-hand look at Jon Gordon's new book called "The Garden". This book takes a spiritual look at a biblical fable about the Garden of Eden. Gordon does a masterful job, as he does in his other books, of using a story to teach us something. In "The Garden", Gordon teaches how the enemy uses 5 D's to destroy you and your team - Divide; Discourage; Distract; Distort; and Doubt. Gordon gives the following commentary on his book.
I didn’t want to write this but felt I needed to write this.
Turn on the news. Look around. Read your social media feed. The country is increasingly divided. Teams are crumbling. Marriages are ending. More and more young people are taking their own life.
Too many have lost hope and are giving up.
Why is this happening and what can we do about it?
The answer came to me a few months back while I was walking before a corporate speaking engagement in Chicago. I wrote it down knowing that it needed to be shared.
It’s happening because evil exists and it uses the 5 D's to attack us and our marriages, families, teams and country.
1. Divide - The enemy tries to divide us from God and from each other. The word "anxious" literally means divided. Right now evil is doing a great job of dividing this country.
2. Discourage - The enemy knows it can't beat you on its own. So it tries to discourage you so you beat yourself and give up. We don’t give up because it’s hard. We give up because we get discouraged.
3. Distract - You know the saying, "If the devil won't make you bad he’ll make you busy." He'll get you to focus on all the things that don’t matter so you don’t invest in what does matter. He tries to distract you from your core purpose and mission.
4. Distort - The enemy takes what is pure and beautiful and distorts it. Evil takes truth and distorts it with lies. Your negative thoughts are lies and fear is a liar. Your negative thoughts don’t come from you. After all who would ever choose a negative thought?
5. Doubt - The enemy plants seeds of doubt in your mind that you aren't enough and aren't loved. It creates doubt about your future and purpose. Ultimately the enemy wants you to doubt God and believe that God can’t be trusted. The enemy knows if he can get you to doubt God he can get you to believe his lies.
The enemy uses these 5 D's to accomplish the 6th D and that's to Destroy. In the case of a marriage, it's Divorce. I know this sounds harsh but look around and you see this truth playing out everywhere.
But the good news is that love wins.
The 5 D's represent the Devil’s playbook. This is the only game plan the enemy uses. And if you know the game plan you can counter it with a more powerful plan.
You can:
1. Love and unite instead of divide.
2. Encourage yourself and others when you feel discouraged.
3. Focus on what matters most instead of letting distractions get in the way.
4. Speak truth to the lies. Know that you have greatness inside of you and you are here to do great things. No matter what happened in your past you are capable of creating a great future right now.
5. Trust in God’s plan for your life. Know that you are loved and know that your future is full of hope.
These will lead you to the 7th D and that’s your Destiny. 7 is the number of completion and in the end we know Good wins!
It’s much easier to write fictional stories and create movies about good vs evil than it is to write about good and evil in real life. But the reason why Star Wars, Harry Potter, Superman, Black Panther, Wonder Woman, etc. are about the battle of good and evil is because it’s the major narrative of our existence and one that exists deep within our soul. It resonates with us because this is the battle we all face.
My hope is that what I wrote here will help you win the battle and create your Destiny.
I believe in you and I believe the best is yet to come!
– Jon
FCA Message from Jason Brand & Billy Holder
Life Word: Discovering Your One Word To Leave A Legacy
Living deep within the heart of every person is a passion and desire to live a life that truly matters. We want to make a contribution for Christ and make a difference in the life of others. We want to live in such a way that the world is better, because we lived well and finished well. In 2 Timothy 4:7, Paul reminds us to fight the good fight and finish the race. Ultimately, we want to leave a legacy that lives on long after we’re gone.
Life Word is a simple, powerful tool to identify a single word that helps you leave a legacy that truly makes a difference in this world and in the lives of others. Your Life Word defines and drives you to live for Christ. It’s a one word vision for your life that inspires you to live your best life and make your greatest impact—all for the glory of God.
In James 4:14, James says that life is short—it’s like a vapor that appears and is gone. And because it’s short, we are compelled to make the most of it. Life Word helps you navigate true north and live a life that leaves an impact for Christ. It will help you discover your God-ordained purpose, maximize God-appointed opportunities, and leave a God-honoring legacy.
Ordinary men and women over the years who have lived with conviction left enduring legacies and changed the world. It’s fun to consider what their possible Life Words would be:
For Martin Luther, was it Reform?
Apostle Paul’s might have been Grace.
Mother Theresa’s was undoubtedly Compassion.
King Solomon’s would be Wisdom.
And perhaps the greatest Life Word was Jesus’s legacy of Love.
As we take you on this journey to find your Life Word, ask the Lord about possible words that might define your legacy. This word will ultimately help shape your destiny and maybe even history! Your Life Word is discovered by defining your power, determining your purpose, and discovering your passion.
Moses prayed in Psalm 90:12 for the Lord to teach him to count every day carefully. God has given you only one life, so make every day count. Remember, the power of legacy is all about what you give, not what you get; it’s not about you, but others. Everyone leaves a legacy, so make your legacy matter!
Contact Us
Coach Thompson - coachthompson44@gmail.com - @coachthompson44
Luke Zeller - lukezeller@distinxion.org - @lukezeller40 and @distinxion
Patrick Kohan - patrick@coachesinsider.com
Nick Bartlett - nick@drdishbasketball.com
Jason Brand - jbrand@fca.org