“I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
Quote/Thought of the Week
“We don’t really do anything elaborate on defense. We just try to do simple really, really well.” — Ryan Osborn, Head Coach, Carmel HS
Quote came from 6/11/20 Coaches Roundtable discussion.
Coaches Roundtables on Zoom
We have switched the time and frequency of the Coaches Round Table calls. This week we will be on Monday 7PM Eastern Time. This week we are hosting Dusty May from Florida Atlantic on “Coaches Round Table.” Go to the HBCA Twitter and Facebook pages for the links to the Zooms.
All of the Round Tables are archived on barrreevebasketball.com and shared on the IBCA and HBCA websites.
Dr. Dish Drill of the Week
47-point Shooting Drill with Coach Tony Miller
Coach Tony Miller takes you through another great shooting drill here. He illustrates a great drill he calls the 47-point shooting drill.
Coaches Insider Drills and Videos
Change Drill with Ryan Cottingham – Spring Arbor Univ.
Offense to defense. Watch as Coach explains, and players demonstrate this half court change drill. On the command of change, the offense goes to defense, defense goes to offense, and a player cannot guard the man that was guarding him. The new offense must make one pass before trying to score.
This Week from All-Pro Dad
4 Things to Do After Any Argument
Message from Coach Thompson
E + R = O
A couple of week’s ago on the “Coaches Round Table”, Mike McBride, the head girls coach at Eastern Pekin, who is also our HBCA President, shared several things that he uses with his players and coaches at Pekin.
One of the tips that I found very interesting and useful is the impact that sharing what mental coach Brian Kight has had on his team. Kight’s big guiding principle is E+R=O or there is an EVENT and your RESPONSE will determine the OUTCOME. In a recent email Kight gave the following list as for food for thought to subscribers.
E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome) is constant, whether you use it or not.
The outcome is primary.
How are you responding right now?
Slow down impulses long enough to evaluate and decide.
Bring as much discipline as you can in the time available.
Focus on the things that create useful emotions.
Recognize when disruptive emotions rise and let them fade.
Act now.
Renew your discipline every day.
Build courage before you need it.
Anticipate changes likely to happen.
Adjust to all changes that do happen.
Allow yourself to transform over different stages of your life.
Choose to care.
Bring value to other people.
Believe in more than yourself.
Use all your talent and build from there.
Embrace the sloppy start and messy middle.
Practice your discipline daily.
Discipline is the shortcut. Do the work.
FCA Message from Jason Brand & Billy Holder
Life Word: Define Your Power
Most kids love superheroes like Superman, Spiderman, and Wonder Woman. We would occasionally ask our own kids, “If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower?” The number one answer was being able to fly, followed by being invisible. It’s fun to hear them use their imaginations and dream that they could be superheroes.
And although none of us have experienced those superpowers, we’ve all been blessed as Christians with spiritual gifts and strengths. “Defining your Power” is the process of identifying your spiritual gifts and strengths and is the first part of finding your Life Word. It’s up to us to discover and develop those gifts and use them for God’s glory.
There are some qualities we receive at salvation—we call these spiritual gifts. There are several passages that list the spiritual gifts like Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. If you don’t know your spiritual gifts, then take a spiritual gifts assessment to discover your God-given gifts.
In addition to gifts, you’ve been blessed by God with strengths and skills which can be developed over time with effort and experience. It’s easy to see how God has wired each one of us in unique ways, and it’s a beautiful thing when we each utilize that for the Kingdom of God.
There are several questions we have found to help you to uncover your gifts and strengths. These are the top four questions to help you Define your Power:
What do you naturally excel at?
What unique characteristics describe how you are naturally wired?
What strengths have you developed over time?
What gives you joy when you do it?
To prime the pump a little, here is a quick list of words that may describe you. Review the list and take a few moments to circle some words that you think fit you.
leading, administration, hospitality, compassion, serving, communication, belief, analytical, learner, teambuilding, organizing, simplifying, listening, encouragement, strategic, insightful, focus, visualizing, discipline, patience, energy, positive, developing, building, creating, artistic, musical, writing, speaking, inventing, detail-oriented, vision, problem-solving, discernment, teaching, training, empathy, dreaming, dependable, honest, intuitive, motivator, perseverance, resilience, joyful, tenacity, kindness, intellectual, musical, confident, connecting, helping, humor, networking, sensing …
The gifts and strengths you identify will help discover your Life Word. When you combine your power with your purpose and passion, you gain more and more clarity on your way to leaving a positive mark for Christ on others.
Contact Us
Coach Thompson - coachthompson44@gmail.com - @coachthompson44
Luke Zeller - lukezeller@distinxion.org - @lukezeller40 and @distinxion
Patrick Kohan - patrick@coachesinsider.com
Nick Bartlett - nick@drdishbasketball.com
Jason Brand - jbrand@fca.org