
“I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14


Quote/Thought of the Week


“You will never be successful coaching angry.” — Mike McBride, President of HBCA and Head Coach at Eastern Pekin

Quote came from 5/26/20 Coaches Roundtable discussion as he talked about Tim Kight’s E+R=O Philosophy.

Coaches Roundtables on Zoom

On Mondays and Thursdays at 10AM Eastern Time we are hosting “Coaches Roundtable”. Go to the HBCA Twitter and Facebook pages for the links to the Zooms.

This week’s schedule is Monday, June 1 - Greg Lansing - Indiana State to talk about “Coaching Now in the Quarantine” and Thursday 6/4 - Paul Neidigh - Commissioner of the IHSAA to talk about “Indiana HS Basketball Next Year and Beyond”.

All of the Round Tables are archived on barrreevebasketball.com and shared on the IBCA and HBCA websites.

Dr. Dish Drill of the Week

Post Drill Sequence

We're thrilled to partner up with Coach Tony Miller from Bob Jones University to provide us with weekly Dr. Dish drills and basketball coaching content on our blog! Coach Miller has been very active in the basketball coaching community through his great podcast, A Quick Timeout, as well as through his social media/Twitter account @tonywmiller and we're very excited to have him on board with us at Dr. Dish.

Coaches Insider Drills and Videos

Footwork, Fake, and Pass Drill with Ryan Cottingham – Spring Arbor Univ.

Poise under pressure. Watch as Coach explains and players demonstrate this footwork, fake, and passing drill. This is a pre-practice drill with the guards faking then penetrating to the foul line faking again and passing to a post player. It is important to not get in a rush, make a good fake and pass.

This Week from All-Pro Dad

How to Have a Great Marriage Instead of Watching It on TV

Message from Coach Thompson

Something to Consider

Mentally, the recent weeks and the time period that we are living in has been tough. With a lot of self reflection and thought the last couple of weeks, I decided that I was presented with a tremendous opportunity - a gift of time from the Lord. I could utilize that time to get better or stay the same. I chose to get better. 

Two of the things that I really dedicated myself to was the 3Dimensional Institute and digging into my FCA Coaches Challenge. This challenge has been a true blessing to myself and many other coaches as we are reading through the New Testament and studying it throughout 2020. This week’s email reminder blended the two so I wanted to share this message from Ted Manning. I also wanted you to consider the 3Dimensional Institute for yourself and your staff as well as invite you to the Coaches Challenge - it’s never too late to join. For more information on either, please reach out and I will help you in any way.

From Ted Manning, Lakeshore Michigan FCA

Most of us work for schools or organizations that fashion a “Mission Statement” to project a strong message about the “why” of their existence. Have you ever thought about creating a personal mission statement as a coach? FCA partners with the 3Dimensional Institute which empowers coaches to develop a Transformational Purpose Statement (TPS) for their coaching. Paul developed something similar in Acts 20 when he departed a group of beloved Ephesian elders before leaving for Jerusalem. Paul pounds a stake in the ground and defines his life mission in one verse: “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” (Acts 20:24). What a powerful TPS! Experts conclude that a coach is the most influential person in a young person's life. Have you clearly defined your purpose for coaching like Paul did for his ministry in Acts 20? 


Consider prayerfully crafting your own Transformational Purpose Statement (TPS) as a coach.


What does this week's reading teach you about God and yourself?

Have you ever examined your "why" for coaching?

How can you impact athletes for Jesus Christ effectively when coaching in a public school setting?

 What's your Transformational Purpose Statement (TPS)?

FCA Message from Jason Brand & Billy Holder

Two are Better Than One


“Two are better than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” — Ecclesiastes 4:9


When I was in high school, I was a three-time state champion in track. As you read that, some thoughts might have crossed your mind like: “Who cares?” or “Does she always brag about her accomplishments?” But the reality is that race and that accomplishment is more than it seems. I was on a relay with three really fast girls and was nowhere close to winning anything in an individual race. There are two things we can learn from this:

First, we try so hard to live on the surface for others and just look at the surface of others. In John 7:24, Jesus said, “Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.” As coaches, to connect with our players, staff, and family members, we must get past the surface level of our lives because relationships aren’t built there. When coaches are willing to look beyond the surface of performance, we will get the most out of our relationships professionally and personally.

Second, we need each other. As much as we would love to show the world that we are strong enough to do everything on our own, God’s strength is shown through our weakness. It says in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “…My power works best in weakness.” In the coaching world, it is difficult to admit when we need others. But just like everyone needs God and your team needs each other, coaches need people too. Coaches need people to give them encouragement, truth, and grace.

God created us for relationships--with Him and with others. And relationships are only built if we look below the surface and recognize our need for each other.


1) As a coach, do you struggle with surface relationships or asking for help more?

2) Which relationships do you need God to help you strengthen?


2 Corinthians 12:10Isaiah 40:29


Lord, help me to have below the surface relationships within my program and my house. I confess I need others’ help, especially Yours. Amen.
