

Quote/Thought of the Week

HBCA All-Stars

GIRLS All-District Voting OPEn

HBCA members who are girls coaches can now vote for senior players who have been nominated for All-District recognition! Vote by this weekend to ensure that your players make it to the All-Regional ballot where they can have a chance to play in the HBCA Spring All-Star Classic!

BOYS Nominations Open for Submission

Nominations are still open for your best SENIOR BOYS players to be recognized among the best in Southern Indiana. Nominating is easy—just have your stats sheets from games played this season ready!

Southern Indiana Championships

February 22–23 in Washington County

Many more details will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks about the upcoming HBCA/FCA basketball tournament for boys and girls in grades 2-8. The tournament will be called the Southern Indiana Championships and will be hosted by Salem, West Washington, and Eastern Pekin High Schools in Washington County, smack dab in the middle of the HBCA. The event will raise money for the HBCA scholarship foundation and FCA ministries in southern Indiana. Mark the dates and share information with all coaches in your feeder programs.

One of the best things about the tournament is that we will have a Sunday morning devotional at Salem HS prior to games getting started. Because teams, coaches and families will be away from home we are going to give them this time to come in and have some prayer, devotional, and message time with members of the FCA staff.

Coaches Insider Drills and Videos

4-Man Weave with Jump Stops

Does your team struggle with jump stops? Watch as Coach Tim Miles demonstrates a variation to the 4 Man Weave Drill that forces your athletes to practice jump stops while they are developing their passing.

Dr. Dish Drills of the Week

SKill Builder Progression

Jefferson Mason takes players through a great sill builder progression workout here . . .

This week from All-Pro Dad

5 Traits of a Super Bowl Level Dad

Message from Coach Thompson


This past week we were all saddened by the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant.  And, while there has been much written about his Mamba Mentality, being a girl dad, his “second act”, or even his demons off the court during his playing career, it is just as important not to miss the lesson that we can all draw from the tragedy, whether we were huge Kobe fans or not, that life is fleeting.

None of us is guaranteed time.  Hopefully, as we all move forward and get back to the grind, we will take a lesson from this situation and remember that we have those entrusted to our care - players and our families - that we must make the most of while we are here.

Yes, working hard in all that you do and outworking your opponents in all that you do were great examples that Kobe left.  His desire to be an amazing father is well documented. Let us not forget though that we as coaches all have the same opportunity.  We have the same chance to be examples to our players and families. Don’t waste any opportunity - life is fleeting.

FCA Message from Jason Brand & Billy Holder

The Change


“The one who says he remains in Him should walk just as He walked.” — 1 John 2:6


I once heard of a pitcher who was nervous about starting a play-off game. The position players were steering clear of him, and the pitching coach was at his wits end over the pitcher’s behavior. The head coach finally got wind of what was going on and marched down to the clubhouse to talk to the pitcher. He looked the pitcher in the eye and said, “Son, either change your behavior, or change out of your uniform!”

As coaches, one of our main jobs is to help change the behavior of our players. After all, that is ultimately what teaching is—seeing the knowledge learned on the practice field successfully transferred to the playing field. The best way to do this is by coaches modeling the exact behavior they want their players to practice. The old phrase, “More is caught than taught” rings true. Other ways to change players’ behavior are through drills for their physical needs, mentoring for their mental toughness, and building them up emotionally. Spiritually, they need the guidance and direction of Jesus.

Just as the disciples’ character changed when they walked with Jesus, so should the character of our players under our tutelage. As coaches we should constantly evaluate our players and then shape and mold them to walk as Jesus did. At most, we will have them for only a few seasons, but the world will have them for the remainder of their lives. As coaches for Christ, we need to commit to modeling Christlike behavior for our players to follow.


1. How good of a model are you in the community and on the field?
2. Are your thoughts being transformed by God or by the world?
3. Has the change Christ made in your life influenced athletes toward Him??


Extra Reading: Matthew 25:21John 13:151 Peter 1:16–17


Lord, I know I have not always been the best influence for You that I could be. Please forgive my past shortcomings and help me become the coach You want me to be. I want to be a positive influence for You and assist You in spiritually transforming my players. Please fill me with your Spirit. Amen.

This devotional comes from FCA Resources.

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